====== Changelog ====== This page contains a summary of changes between the official Knald releases. ===== Release v1.0.0 ===== * Initial Release. ===== Release v1.1.0 ===== ==== New Features, Improvements and Optimizations ==== * Added "P" hotkey for 3d preview viewport. * Added a new Lys style contrast slider to Concavity & Convexity. * Added a new settings/preferences management system * Added additional 3d preview controls to settings system. * Added low poly mesh refresh when mesh is modified externally. -You must hit bake for the changes to the mesh to appear in Knald. * Added next-generation DDS export including high performance support for BC6H/BC7/11_11_10 formats. * Added our new next generation baker. * Added single a dual channel curvature maps to The Baker. * Added single channel image space curvature. * Added support for Vertex Color maps in The Baker. * Added support for Cavity maps in The Baker. * Added support for Convexity maps in The Baker. * Added support for Material ID maps in The Baker. * Added support for copy/paste (CTRL+C/CTRL+V). * Added the ability to load/save Knald settings to a file (.ksf). * Fixed beta documentation link from the help menu. * Improved Anti-aliasing quality on tangent space normals. * Mesh processing improvements. * Miscellaneous improvements and optimizations. * The Knald Demo now supports the full 1.1.0 feature set. * Updated to latest FBX standard. ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fixed a bug where hitting cancel on the bake meshes group would cause the HP mesh to become invalid. * Fix for issue where certain saved settings might not be persistent in some cases. * Fix for various modifier key sticking issues in 3d preview and settings cluster. * Fix for very large TIFF files (8k) not opening correctly in Photoshop. * Fixed a few minor GUI related issues. * Fixed an issue where some GUI element positions were not saved correctly in the configuration .ini. * Fixed an issue where under some circumstances baking MeshAO in Integrator mode after using the baker caused a crash. * Fixed an issue where vertex colors were not rendered correctly for non-square textures. * Miscellaneous bug fixes. ===== Release v1.1.1 ===== ==== New Features, Improvements and Optimizations ==== * Added a choice of ray distribution methods for the baker. * Added an option to toggle the filtering of reflections within the 3d viewport. * Updated to the latest FBX SDK (2016.1.2). * Update hotkeys and top menus. * Updated tooltips. * Miscellaneous improvements and optimizations. ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix for issue where some FBX meshes caused mesh importing to hang. * Fix for issue where High Poly planar faces (axis aligned) baked incorrectly in rare cases. * Fix for issue where Concavity settings were not saving correctly. * Fix for issue where Convexity settings were not saving correctly. * Fix for issue where Curvature settings were not saving correctly. * Miscellaneous bug fixes. ===== Release v1.1.2 ===== ==== New Features, Improvements and Optimizations ==== * Improved High Poly mesh loading & processing speed by an average of 25%. * Improved baking speed by by an average of 5%. * Added an option in the export tab to enable the saving of .ksf’s on user export. * Added various sanity checks to ensure HP/LP/Cage meshes exist when baking from a saved .ksf. * Updated tooltips. * Miscellaneous improvements and optimizations. ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fixed an issue during acceleration structure generation. * Miscellaneous bug fixes ===== Release v1.2.0 ===== ==== New Features, Improvements and Optimizations ==== * Added support for Tangent & Object Space Bent Normal Maps in the Baker with various options to control occluder weighting (Cosine, Uniform Clamped & Uniform Unclamped) and how the magnitude is stored via normalization. * Improved the mesh loader to support mesh files with a triangle count of over 330 million. * Improved mesh loading speeds by up to 550%. * Improved the mesh loader to support user adjustable bake balancing, which balances execution time between High Poly processing (import) and baking time based upon a slider value. * Improved the mesh loader to support mesh files over 4GB in size. * Added support for .ply Polygon File Format/Stanford Triangle Format. * Added support for unnormalized height maps in the Baker. * Added support for various options to control occluder weighting for baked Ambient Occlusion (Cosine, Uniform Clamped & Uniform Unclamped). * Added support for various options to control occluder weighting for Mesh Ambient Occlusion (Cosine, Uniform Clamped & Uniform Unclamped). * Added support for the reporting of various statistics for Height Maps in the Baker on (Min, Mid & Max for both normalized & unnormalized). * Add support for the display of high poly vertex & triangle counts in the status bar while the Baker is loaded.. * Updated .kpbr with new presets (Brass #2, Rhodium, Tin, Tungsten + Concrete 1+2). * Added an the option to use a cube primitive in the 3d preview . * Added new Light theme for Knald via a dropdown option in the Preferences Tab. * Added support for relative paths when saving/loading .ksf files. * Added support for palletized PNG files. * Added support for collapsible groups in the 3d preview. * Updated the Dark theme so that ghosted/disabled GUI items are lighter for better legibility. * Miscellaneous improvements to the load/save system. * Miscellaneous tweaks to .kpbr to improve preview material aesthetics. * Updated tooltips. * Miscellaneous improvements and optimizations. ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fixed an issue where .ksf files did not correctly restore bake settings when the Baker was not initialized. * Fixed an issue where the 3d preview or main window are off-screen after startup on some occasions. * Fixed an issue where Knald failed to process loaded images or bake correctly on some occasions. * Fixed an issue where the Material ID default initial value was shown as black in the color picker. * Fixed an issue in the Baker where expected ray hits would occasionally fail along triangle edges in some situations. * Fixed an issue where under some circumstances the Material ID color schemes were not initialized correctly resulting in a black color picker. * Fixed an issue where Flip Green was saved in an incorrect state in some situations. * Fixed an issue where the Image AO scale slider incorrectly forced the regeneration of Mesh AO when moved. * Fixed an issue where OS Normals, Vertex Colors & Material ID were not checked by default in export settings even though they were baked. * Fixed an issue where baker size ratios were not maintained correctly for non-square sizes. * Fixed an issue where some palletized/indexed PNG files were not supported correctly. * Fixed an issue where some PNG with an alpha channel were not supported correctly. * Fixed an issue where greyscale PNG files of less than 8bits per pixel were not supported correctly. * Fixed an issue where some custom suffixes were not saved correctly after restarting Knald. * Miscellaneous bug fixes ===== Release v1.2.1 ===== ==== New Features, Improvements and Optimizations ==== * Miscellaneous improvements and optimizations. ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fixed an issue where some meshes would cause an optimization error during baking. * Fixed an issue where IMG AO doesn't show correctly if Normal & AO were baked and then the integrator is updated. * Fixed an issue where Mesh AO doesn't show correctly after switching between the AO & Transmission tabs. * Fixed an issue where the AO group would not show if Normal, Transmission & AO were baked and then the integrator is updated. * Fixed an issue where the Mesh AO activation checkbox appears inverted relative to UI after integration. * Fixed an issue where the Baker Height & Width spinboxes could get out of sync. * Fixed an issue where the Bake button doesn't revert to the correct pre-process state after loading a .ksf * Miscellaneous bug fixes