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The Preferences Tab

To access your preferences, click the Preferences Tab in the main GUI. From here you can set up the way Knald performs

The Preferences Tab

Axis Swizzle settings

Axis Swizzle

Axis Swizzle: Here you can change the axis in the dropdown to match the Normal/Derivative maps for your engine or application as required, allowing you to save your preference so that it loads by default when Knald starts. By default Knald is set to X+Y+Z+, so if you are using a normal map that differs from this configuration, you will need to change this setting. To change this setting either use the dropdown menu or check the Flip Green check box.

Prefix/Suffix settings

Prefix/Suffix Settings

Enable Prefix: Checking this option will allow you to globally appended a prefix to each maps file name once saved. You can either edit the name in the input field or use the various dropdowns to choose a preset. For example, If your saved normal map is going to be called example.tga and you choose the T_ prefix, the file will then be renamed to T_example.tga

Suffix: Here you can change the suffix that each map will have appended to its file name once saved. You can either edit the name in the input field or use the various dropdowns to choose a preset. For example, If your saved normal map is going to be called example.tga and you choose the _normal suffix, the file will then be renamed to example_normal.tga

3D Preview Settings

3D Preview Settings

3d Preview: Change .obj axis so that Y/Z is up Changes the direction of the up axis in the 3d preview window. Change this to match the up direction of your exported mesh.

Enable gamma correction on Specular: Enables/Disables Gamma correction on the Specular in the 3d viewport.

Use per vertex tangent space: Toggles between per vertex tangent space1) and no tangent space derivative when viewing imported meshes. This requires a reboot of Knald to take affect.

Miscellaneous Settings

Miscellaneous Settings

Prioritize Integration Performance: Checking this option allows Knald to prioritize integration, Mesh AO & Transmission speed over viewport responsiveness.

  • This may give substantial speed improvements to higher end GPUs.
  • This option is NOT recommended for low-mid range GPUs.

Pack Displacement into the Alpha of a Normal Map: Checking this option will automatically pack the Height Map/Displacement Map into the Alpha channel of the Normal map when saved.

Use Alpha by default: Checking this option will automatically force Knald to use an Alpha channel by default, when processing Normal/Derivative maps. Using an Alpha channel will cause the masked area to be read as flat.

Enable Copying of Alpha Channel data to Clipboard Checking this option will enable the copying of Alpha channel data to the clipboard from within Knald.

While Knald fully supports Alpha in the Windows clipboard, some applications fail to correctly interpret the data, requiring this option to be disabled.

Display Update Notifications on Startup: Enables notification of any available updates to Knald.

Display Update Notifications for Beta Releases: Enables notification of any available Beta Releases of Knald.

Enable Tooltips: Checking this option will turn tool tips on/off at a global level.

Bake Settings

Bake Settings

Export Alpha Channel: This option allows a choice of multiple kinds of Alpha data to be written when baking is performed.

  • Hard Alpha from UVs - Packs the Alpha channel with solid black and white data based on the UV shell bounds of the low poly mesh.
  • Hard Alpha from HP - Packs the Alpha channel with solid black and white data based on the bounds of the high poly mesh.
  • Soft Alpha from HP - Packs the Alpha channel with grayscale, anti-aliased data based on the bounds of the high poly mesh.

If the Soft Alpha from HP option is chosen and content is baked without anti-aliasing the Hard Alpha from HP will be used as a fall-back.

Hard Alpha from UVs
Hard Alpha from High Poly
Soft Alpha from High Poly
Hard Alpha No Anti-aliasing
1) Knald uses MikkTSpace by Morten S. Mikkelsen, which is available from
the_preferences_tab_knald_beta.1438350310.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/05/23 03:49 (external edit)