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ibl_sample_shader_lys [2017/04/29 04:13]
adavies [Image Based Lighting Sample Shader]
ibl_sample_shader_lys [2017/05/23 03:49]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Image Based Lighting Sample Shader ====== 
-[{{https://​​​docuwiki/​freeLysIblSample.jpg?​nolink&​900|The IBL sample shader running in FX Composer.}}] 
-===== Downloading and running the shader in FX Composer ===== 
-  - Download the shader and asset files from HERE. 
-  - Download FX Composer from HERE & install. 
-  - Extract the .zip file to a location of your choosing. 
-  - Double click the freeLysIblSample.fxcproj file found in the extracted folder. 
-  - Ensure that the renderer is set to Direct3D10 by selecting the option found within in the dropdown menu located at the far right of the top top row of buttons. 
-  - Select the IblLysBurley material in the Materials panel. 
-  - Assign the cubemap and textures within the Properties panel by clicking each texture slot and their associated tool buttons> clicking the Image icon> clicking the + icon located at the top left of the popup and then finally selecting the textures you want to load. Repeat for all the textures as required. 
-  - Enjoy! 
-Below is the full shader. You can download the sample shader and assets HERE 
-<code glsl> 
-% Free IBL sample using cube map exported from Knaldtech'​s tool Lys 
-% The cube map was made with offset set to 3 and exported as GGX with Burley roughness drop. 
-#define FLT_EPSILON ​    ​1.192092896e-07f ​       // smallest such that 1.0+FLT_EPSILON != 1.0 
-// assume the default value of 3 which assigns maximum roughness to mip level 8x8 
-const int nMipOffset = 3; 
-// global matrices 
-float4x4 g_mObjToViewProj : WorldViewProjection;​ 
-float4x4 g_mObjToWorld : World; 
-float4x4 g_mWorldToObjTransposed : WorldInverseTranspose;​ 
-float4x4 g_mViewToWorld : ViewInverse;​ 
-float4x4 g_mObjToView : WorldView; 
-float4x4 g_mViewToObj : WorldViewInverse;​ 
-float4x4 g_mViewToObjTransposed : WorldViewInverseTranspose;​ 
-// sampler 
-SamplerState samLinear 
-    Filter = MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR;​ 
-    AddressU = Wrap; 
-    AddressV = Wrap; 
-// textures 
-TextureCube lysBurleyCube < 
- string UIName =  "IBL. cube"; 
- string ResourceType = "​cube";​ 
-Texture2D albedo_tex < 
- string UIName =  "​albedo Texture";​ 
- string ResourceType = "​2D";​ 
-Texture2D smoothness_tex < 
- string UIName =  "​smoothness Texture";​ 
- string ResourceType = "​2D";​ 
-Texture2D metalness_tex < 
- string UIName =  "​metalness Texture";​ 
- string ResourceType = "​2D";​ 
-Texture2D normal_tex < 
- string UIName =  "​normal Texture";​ 
- string ResourceType = "​2D";​ 
-Texture2D ao_tex < 
- string UIName =  "ao Texture";​ 
- string ResourceType = "​2D";​ 
-// vertex shader input 
-struct vertInput 
-    float4 position : POSITION; 
-    float3 normal : NORMAL; 
- float3 tang : TANGENT; 
- float3 bino : BINORMAL; 
-    float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0; 
-// vertex shader output (fed to pixel shader) 
-struct vertexOutput 
-    float4 position : POSITION; 
-    float3 pos : TEXCOORD0; 
-    float3 normal : TEXCOORD1; 
-    float2 stcoord : TEXCOORD2; 
- float3 tang : TEXCOORD3; 
- float3 bino : TEXCOORD4; 
-float SpecularPowerFromPerceptualRoughness(float fPerceptualRoughness);​ 
-float PerceptualRoughnessFromSpecularPower(float fSpecPower);​ 
-float3 EvalBRDF(TextureCube lysBurleyCube,​ float3 vN, float3 vN_unit, float3 to_cam, float perceptualRoughness,​ float metalness, float3 albedo, float ao); 
-float3 GetSpecularDominantDir(float3 vN, float3 vR, float fRealRoughness);​ 
-float RoughnessFromPerceptualRoughness(float fPerceptualRoughness);​ 
-float gain(float value, float g); 
-float GetReductionInMicrofacets(float perceptualRoughness);​ 
-float EmpiricalSpecularAO(float ao, float perceptualRoughness);​ 
-float ApproximateSpecularSelfOcclusion(float3 vR, float3 vertNormalNormalized);​ 
-float BurleyToMip(float fPerceptualRoughness,​ int nMips, float NdotR) 
- float fSpecPower = SpecularPowerFromPerceptualRoughness(fPerceptualRoughness);​ 
- fSpecPower /= (4*max(NdotR,​ FLT_EPSILON));​ //​ see section "​Pre-convolved Cube Maps vs Path Tracers"​ 
- float fScale = PerceptualRoughnessFromSpecularPower(fSpecPower);​ 
- return fScale*(nMips-1-nMipOffset);​ 
-float BurleyToMipSimple(float fPerceptualRoughness,​ int nMips) 
- float fScale = fPerceptualRoughness*(1.7 - 0.7*fPerceptualRoughness); ​   // approximate remap from LdotR based distribution to NdotH 
- return fScale*(nMips-1-nMipOffset);​ 
-int GetNumMips(TextureCube cubeTex) 
- int iWidth=0, iHeight=0, numMips=0; 
- cubeTex.GetDimensions(0,​ iWidth, iHeight, numMips); 
- return numMips; 
-// sRGB not built into fx composer. Must do by hand. 
-// don't do this in your own engine. 
-float3 GammaToLinear( float3 color) 
- return pow(color,​2.2);​ 
-float3 LinearToGamma( float3 linearColor) 
- return pow(linearColor,​1.0/​2.2);​ 
-// vertex shader 
-vertexOutput main_VS(vertInput IN) 
- vertexOutput res; 
- res.stcoord = float2(IN.texcoord.x,​ 1.0-IN.texcoord.y);​ 
- // transform attributes to world space 
- res.pos = mul(float4(,​1),​ g_mObjToWorld).xyz;​ 
- res.tang = normalize( mul(float4(IN.tang,​ 0), g_mObjToWorld ).xyz ); 
- res.bino = -normalize( mul(float4(IN.bino,​ 0), g_mObjToWorld ).xyz ); // bitangent negated in fxcomposer 
- // normals are transformed using inverse transposed so this gives us the normal in world space. 
-    res.normal = normalize( mul(float4(,​0),​ g_mWorldToObjTransposed).xyz ); 
- // used by rasterizer 
- res.position = mul(float4(,​ 1.0), g_mObjToViewProj);​ 
- return res; 
-// pixel shader 
-float4 main_FP(vertexOutput IN) : COLOR 
- // gather inputs 
- float3 vN = IN.normal; 
- float3 vT = IN.tang; 
- float3 vB = IN.bino; 
- float3 vN_unit = normalize(vN);​ 
- float3 pos = IN.pos; 
- float2 st = IN.stcoord.xy;​ 
- // material properties from texture 
- float smoothness = smoothness_tex.Sample(samLinear,​ st).x; // not gamma corrected 
- float perceptualRoughness = 1.0 - smoothness; 
- float metalness = metalness_tex.Sample(samLinear,​ st).x; // not gamma corrected 
- float3 texNormal = 2*normal_tex.Sample(samLinear,​ st).xyz - 1.0; // not gamma corrected 
- float3 albedo = GammaToLinear( albedo_tex.Sample(samLinear,​ st).xyz ); 
- float ao = ao_tex.Sample(samLinear,​ st).x; // not gamma corrected 
- // get camera position and direction in world space 
- float3 eyePos = float3(g_mViewToWorld[3].x,​g_mViewToWorld[3].y,​g_mViewToWorld[3].z);​ 
- float3 to_cam = normalize(eyePos - pos); // to view vector 
- // normal mapping 
-#if 1 
- //vN = normalize(vT*texNormal.x + vB*texNormal.y + vN*texNormal.z);​ //​ tangent space normal map 
- vN = normalize( mul(float4(,​0),​ g_mWorldToObjTransposed).xyz ); // object space normal map 
- vN = vN_unit;​ //​ normal mapping disabled (use interpolated vertex normal) 
- // evaluate ibl based brdf 
- float3 outRadiance = EvalBRDF(lysBurleyCube,​ vN, vN_unit, to_cam, perceptualRoughness,​ metalness, albedo, ao); 
- // sRGB not built into fx composer. Must do by hand. 
- // don't do this in your own engine. 
- return float4(LinearToGamma(outRadiance),​ 1.0); 
-float3 EvalBRDF(TextureCube lysBurleyCube,​ float3 vN, float3 org_normal, float3 to_cam, float perceptualRoughness,​ float metalness, float3 albedo, float ao) 
- int numMips = GetNumMips(lysBurleyCube);​ 
- const int nrBrdfMips = numMips-nMipOffset;​ 
- float VdotN = clamp(dot(to_cam,​ vN), 0.0, 1.0f); // same as NdotR 
- const float3 vRorg = 2*vN*VdotN-to_cam;​ 
- float3 vR = GetSpecularDominantDir(vN,​ vRorg, RoughnessFromPerceptualRoughness(perceptualRoughness));​ 
- float RdotNsat = saturate(dot(vN,​ vR)); 
-#if 1  
- float l = BurleyToMip(perceptualRoughness,​ numMips, RdotNsat); 
- float l = BurleyToMipSimple(perceptualRoughness,​ numMips); 
- // fxcomposer uses a right hand coordinate frame (unlike d3d which uses left) 
- // and has Y axis up. We've exported accordingly in Lys. For conventional 
- // d3d11 just set Y axis as up in Lys before export. 
- float3 specRad = lysBurleyCube.SampleLevel(samLinear,​ vR, l).xyz; 
- float3 diffRad = lysBurleyCube.SampleLevel(samLinear,​ vN, (float) (nrBrdfMips-1)).xyz;​ 
- float3 spccol = lerp( (float3) 0.04, albedo, metalness); 
- float3 dfcol = lerp( (float3) 0.0, albedo, 1-metalness);​ 
- // fresnel 
- float fT = 1.0-RdotNsat;​ 
- float fT5 = fT*fT; fT5 = fT5*fT5*fT; 
- spccol = lerp(spccol,​ (float3) 1.0, fT5); 
- // take reduction in brightness into account. 
- float fFade = GetReductionInMicrofacets(perceptualRoughness);​ 
- fFade *= EmpiricalSpecularAO(ao,​ perceptualRoughness);​ 
- fFade *= ApproximateSpecularSelfOcclusion(vR,​ org_normal);​ 
- // final result 
- return ao*dfcol*diffRad + fFade*spccol*specRad;​ 
-float GetReductionInMicrofacets(float perceptualRoughness) 
- // this is not needed if you separately precompute an integrated FG term such as proposed 
- // by epic. Alternatively this simple analytical approximation retains the energy 
- // loss associated with Integral GGX(NdotH)*NdotH * (NdotL>​0) dH which 
- // for GGX equals 1/​(roughness^2+1) when integrated over the half sphere. 
- // without the NdotL>0 indicator term the integral equals one. 
- float roughness = RoughnessFromPerceptualRoughness(perceptualRoughness);​ 
- float roughSquared = roughness*roughness;​ 
- return 1.0 / (roughSquared+1.0);​ 
-float EmpiricalSpecularAO(float ao, float perceptualRoughness) 
- // basically a ramp curve allowing ao on very diffuse specular 
- // and gradually less so as the reflection hardens. 
- float fSmooth = 1-perceptualRoughness;​ 
- float fSpecAo = gain(ao,​0.5+max(0.0,​fSmooth*0.4));​ 
- return min(1.0,​fSpecAo + lerp(0.0, 0.5, fSmooth*fSmooth*fSmooth*fSmooth));​ 
-// marmoset horizon occlusion http://​​post/​81245981087 
-float ApproximateSpecularSelfOcclusion(float3 vR, float3 vertNormalNormalized) 
- const float fFadeParam = 1.3; 
- float rimmask = clamp( 1 + fFadeParam * dot(vR, vertNormalNormalized),​ 0.0, 1.0); 
- rimmask *= rimmask; 
- return rimmask; 
-float RoughnessFromPerceptualRoughness(float fPerceptualRoughness) 
- return fPerceptualRoughness*fPerceptualRoughness;​ 
-float PerceptualRoughnessFromRoughness(float fRoughness) 
- return sqrt(max(0.0,​fRoughness));​ 
-float SpecularPowerFromPerceptualRoughness(float fPerceptualRoughness) 
- float fRoughness = RoughnessFromPerceptualRoughness(fPerceptualRoughness);​ 
- return (2.0/​max(FLT_EPSILON,​ fRoughness*fRoughness))-2.0;​ 
-float PerceptualRoughnessFromSpecularPower(float fSpecPower) 
- float fRoughness = sqrt(2.0/​(fSpecPower + 2.0)); 
- return PerceptualRoughnessFromRoughness(fRoughness);​ 
-// frostbite presentation (moving frostbite to pbr) 
-float3 GetSpecularDominantDir(float3 vN, float3 vR, float fRealRoughness) 
- float fInvRealRough = saturate(1 - fRealRoughness);​ 
- float lerpFactor = fInvRealRough * (sqrt(fInvRealRough)+fRealRoughness);​ 
- return lerp(vN, vR, lerpFactor);​ 
-float bias(float value, float b) 
- return (b > 0.0) ? pow(value, log(b) / log(0.5)) : 0.0; 
-// contrast function. 
-float gain(float value, float g) 
- return 0.5 * ((value < 0.5) ? bias(2.0*value,​ 1.0-g) : (2.0 - bias(2.0-2.0*value,​ 1.0-g))); 
-// set depth, cull and blend states 
-DepthStencilState EnableDepth 
-    DepthEnable = TRUE; 
-    DepthWriteMask = ALL; 
-    DepthFunc = LESS_EQUAL; 
-BlendState NoBlending 
-    AlphaToCoverageEnable = FALSE; 
-    BlendEnable[0] = FALSE; 
-RasterizerState RasterizerSettings 
-    CullMode = FRONT; 
-    ​ 
-technique10 Render { 
- pass p0 { 
- SetVertexShader( CompileShader( vs_4_0, main_VS() ) ); 
-        SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_4_0, main_FP() ) ); 
-        ​ 
-        SetBlendState( NoBlending, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF ); 
-        SetDepthStencilState( EnableDepth,​ 0 ); 
-        SetRasterizerState(RasterizerSettings); ​ 
- } 
ibl_sample_shader_lys.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/05/23 03:49 (external edit)