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Interface & Navigation

Interface Controls

This page aims to give an overview of the control system used within Knald to configure the various settings of the program. If you are having some issues in this regard, then this page should be your first port of call.

Push Buttons

The push buttons within Knald are used to confirm that you wish to proceed with certain actions, such as loading a normal/derivative map for processing, updating to the Integrator or saving preferences etc.


One of the first thing you will probably notice about Knald are the sliders and how many of them there are.

Each slider within Knald has 2 states:

  • The first is un-highlighted, which mean the slider is not currently in use.
  • The second is highlighted to show that the slider is currently active and may be used to adjust values.

Using the sliders is simple and you can adjust many of the settings within Knald simply by moving the corresponding slider to the left or right to increase and decrease its value, which is shown within a spinner.


Spinners are used to show the current value of their corresponding slider. You can increase and decrease this value by using the up/down arrows on the right hand side of each spinner or by double clicking the box and adding the number manually.

There are two types of values that use spinners in Knald:

  • Decimal based value
  • Percentile based value

The decimal based value ranges from anywhere from ±180 with an exception of the Max Iterations option, which goes to 1000.

The percentile based value ranges from 0-1000% and is used to control the intensity of various options where a greater range is of benefit.


The checkboxes within Knald are used to toggle various settings which are often simple yes/no selection. When the checkbox is marked with a check mark/tick, the option is active.

The drop-down menus within Knald are used as a container for settings where there are multiple options available that all relate to the same setting. Clicking on the drop-down and selecting an option will make that option active.

Input Fields

The input fields within Knald are used to enter the path of a file which is to be saved, or to add or change a variable such as a suffix to the saved file.


The toolboxes within Knald are used to open a dialog box or save window in which the desired location of the final saved image can be chosen.

Mouse Controls & Keyboard Shortcuts


The general keyboard controls for Knald are as follows:

  • Load Normal Map - CTRL+O
  • Load Height Map - CTRL+Alt+O
  • Load Colour Map - CTRL+Shift+O

2D Preview

The mouse controls for the 2d window are as follows:

  • Zoom - Left mouse button + drag up/down
    • Dragging in the 2d window while holding the left mouse button will zoom the display in and out using the mouse pointer as an anchor.
    • Dragging down will zoom out and dragging up will zoom in.
  • Pan - Middle mouse button + drag
    • Dragging in the 2d window while holding the middle mouse button will pan the display.

3D Preview

The mouse controls for the 3d preview window are as follows:

  • Coarse Zoom - Middle mouse button scroll/Alt+Left mouse button drag
  • Fine Zoom - Middle mouse button scroll/Alt+Left mouse button drag.
  • Offset UVs - Middle mouse button drag/Alt+Right mouse button drag
  • Reset UVs - Middle mouse button double click/Alt+Right Mouse button double click
  • Rotate primitive/mesh - Left mouse button drag
  • Reset primitive/mesh rotation/zoom - Left mouse button double click
  • Rotate lights - Right Mouse drag
  • Reset lights rotation - Right Mouse button double click

The keyboard shortcuts for the 3d preview window are as follows:

  • Numpad Plus/Minus - Increase/decrease UV tiling
    • Pressing the +/- buttons that are located on the numpad will increase and decrease the UV tiling on the primitives/meshes.
    • Holding CTRL or Alt in addition to +/- on the numpad will offset the UVs in the U & V direction respectively.
interface_knald.1417163207.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/23 03:49 (external edit)