Knaldtech Start
Knaldtech Start
The Ambient Occlusion maps within Knald are generated on the fly from the Normal & Height Maps provided by The Integrator. They are adjustable in real time and produce extremely high quality and clean results that rival baked AO at 600+ rays.
You can also generate Ambient Occlusion from high to low polygonal meshes via The Baker.
AO Scale: The strength of the image based AO, irrespective of the Global Intensity slider.
AO Scale: The strength of the image based AO, irrespective of the Global Intensity slider.
Activate Mesh AO This check box is a toggle to enable and disable Low Poly Ambient Occlusion via an imported mesh.
Weighting: A choice between different methods of occluder weighting.
Opacity: The level of opacity used when mixing the Low Poly Ambient Occlusion with the image based Ambient Occlusion.
Rays: This slider is used to determine the number of samples in a discrete evaluation of the integral across the half sphere for diffuse outgoing radiance with a constant radiance field with a minimum of 256 and maximum of 8192 rays being available.
Bias: A bias value based upon mesh density. A value of 10 should be good in most situations.
Weighting: A choice between different methods of occluder weighting.
Ignore Backface Hits Checking this option ignores backface ray hits, which is useful in instances where you are using floating geometry on the High Poly mesh.
Rays: This slider is used to determine the number of samples in a discrete evaluation of the integral across the half sphere for diffuse outgoing radiance with a constant radiance field with a minimum of 256 and maximum of 8192 rays being available.
Bias: A bias value based upon mesh density. A value of 10 should be good in most situations.